Large area used by squirrel gliders in an urban area, uncovered using GPS telemetry
- Creator: Meyer, Ninon F. V. , King, John-Paul , Mahony, Michael , Clulow, John , Beranek, Chad , Reedman, Callum , Balkenhol, Niko , Hayward, Matt W.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
The accelerating invasion: dispersal rates of cane toads at an invasion front compared to an already-colonized location
- Creator: Pizzatto, Ligia , Both, Camila , Brown, Gregory , Shine, Richard
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Habitat-mediated use of space by juvenile and mating adult Port Jackson sharks, Heterodontus portusjacksoni, in Eastern Australia
- Creator: Powter, David Mark , Gladstone, William
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2009